The DDPI is the joint-department of the French Institute of Chartered Accountants (Ordre des Experts-Comptables) and the French Statutory Auditors’ Institute (Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes). It drives and coordinates the activities of the French profession in terms of cooperation and capacity building with the professional accountancy organizations, the regulators and the oversight bodies of a number of countries from francophone Africa, Central Europe and the Balkans, the Caribbean’s and South-East Asia.
The DDPI’s objective is the development of both the technical skills and the institutional capacities of its partners. It provides to its partners the French expertise while integrating both the international standards and the framework of quality established by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).
The DDPI provides to the professional accountancy organizations and the regulators of its partner-countries, the assistance of chartered accountants, statutory auditors and when necessary, public sector experts or senior officials and academics, specialized in the various domains of its capacity building activities.
The typical engagements developed and implemented by the DDPI fall into three categories:
Based on a partnership approach with the beneficiary countries, rather than a mere assistance or substitution, the DDPI’s activities of capacity building are aimed to enable the autonomy of the partner-countries in the implementation of the various texts or actions on which the DDPI has been working with them. It stands on an efficient link between bilateral cooperation and multilateral cooperation directed by the large international donors.
The DDPI relies on an innovative and efficient funding system using both bilateral funding (French profession, Expertise France, partner-countries contribution, Solidarity Priority Funds, Regional Funds for bilateral cooperation) and multilateral funding (World Bank and Regional Development banks).
Géraldine de Léon, Head of International Development and Partnerships Directorate
Tel: +331 44 15 60 93